In May 2023, a WOGWF team will travel from the USA to Malawi to see how various projects have progressed. Kathy Curtis and Margot McGorman will visit the sewing project, and look at housing projects that have been completed during these last 3 years of Covid. Kathy and Margot will meet with the widows, and listen carefully to their joys, hopes, and concerns in order to discern any new future directions for the WOGWF. After 4 years apart, we will celebrate by eating s’mores around an open fire with the widows. We are very blessed to finally re-connect with our friends in Malawi after such a long hiatus.
Housing improvements continue for our widows. The widows decide who among them is next in line for a critical housing improvement. Projects include iron sheet roofs, outside wall plastering, outside ground level gutters for drainage, cement floors instead of dirt, and windows and doors.
Gladys’ house still needs windows and doors
Without plastering and a ground level cement gutter, these walls are still vulnerable in the rainy season.
In August, Rev. Dr. Andrew Long, the pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Watertown NY traveled to Malawi to meet with many of our church mission partners. He was able to transport a number of USA made PantiPacks which he gave to Mzuzu University Student Services on behalf of the Women of Grace. These washable menstrual kits will be distributed to ultra-low income female students to reduce this hidden barrier to education. Thank you Dr. Long! More than 40 additional “Made in the USA” PantiPacks will travel to Malawi on a cargo ship in November. These kits will be shared by Mzuzu University students and Mbowe Elementary School. Since 2017, Annie Ghambi, the Mbowe Head Teacher, has provided small group instruction in how to use the PantiPack as the young girls in her school come of age.
Board Member Angela Elmer has packed 40+ US made PantiPacks
Young girls learn to use the Pantipack Menstrual Tracker
Annie Ghambi, top right, Mbowe Head Teacher
As of late August, vaccine access continues to be very limited, with only 8% of the population having received just 2 doses. Bad roads, limited health clinics and supply chain are but a few of the hurdles affecting access to vaccines. Vaccine "vans" provide mobile vaccination clinics in rural areas. Pediatric vaccines are still not available in Malawi, and so far, schools continue to require masks. In late 2021, after 2 years of Covid restrictions, the widows making the washable menstrual kits ran out of the specialty waterproof fabric we bring on mission trips. Fortunately, Sam was able to pick up the fabric needed from Pastor Joseph Wyson, who supervises a PantiPlus workshop in the capital city of Lilongwe. Thank God for our supportive partners in mission!!
In late May 2022, the Central Bank of Malawi devalued their currency (the Malawi Kwatcha) by 25% in response to global economic forces. This immediately raised prices for anything that is imported: medicines, food, building supplies and more. Very quickly, locally produced products were affected. For example, within days of the devaluation, Illovo Sugar Malawi, which produces about 60% of the sugar in the country, announced a 25% increase in their prices. It cited a sharp increase in the cost of production, for which it needs imported goods like fuel and fertilizers. As in the USA, inflation affects the day-to day life of the lowest wage earners the most. Fortunately our strong US dollar helps us maintain our purchasing power when we purchase goods and services for the widows.
Watch for details of our Spring Take-out Dinner in 2023. All money raised will support the mission projects of the Women of Grace Widows Fund.
First Presbyterian Church has again designated their Christmas Eve Offering to the Women of Grace Widows Fund. WOGWF is truly blessed by the faithful support of First Presbyterian Church. A matching grant of up to $3500 will be provided for any WOGWF donations received from Dec 15, 2022 thru Jan 31, 2023 either through the mail, electronically, or on Xmas Eve. Thank you for helping us reach this matching goal!
Pastor Andrew Long meets the Widows
Excited Mzuzu University Students receive PantiPacks
A safe and secure house for Widow Coliness